Release Notes - 29 June 2022 Updates

Explore the new features added in this update!

Updated on: 29 June 2022

Feature Description
Lazsa Orchestrator Agent

With this release the Lazsa Platform provides Orchestrator Agent to connect to tools that are not directly accessible. The Lazsa Orchestrator Agent is a service that is deployed and runs in customer’s AWS cloud account. It connects to the customer’s Secrets Management tool like AWS Secrets Manager to read tools credentials and communicate with the tools ecosystem and perform activities related to tools, in your own infrastructure in a secure way.

Lazsa currently supports connectivity to the following tools through Orchestrator Agent:

  • Jenkins

  • JFrog

  • Bitbucket

  • SonarQube

  • Jira

  • Confluence

  • Databricks

  • RestAPI

  • AWS S3

See Tools Supported by Lazsa Orchestrator AgentLazsa Orchestrator Agent

Threshold available for creating instances and load balancers in the Lazsa Platform. The Lazsa platform now helps control the infrastructure costs by implementing a threshold on the number of instances and load balancers that can be created in the various stages of product development in the Lazsa Platform. See Machine Configuration Settings
Support available for multiple Databricks instances in Lazsa Data Pipeline Studio The Data Pipeline Studio of Lazsa now supports adding multiple Databricks instances as nodes in a data pipeline for data integration, data transformation, or data integration and transformation stages. You can configure different instances of databricks in data pipelines for different stages of product development like Dev, QA, Prod and so on.
Databricks notebook support in Lazsa Data Pipeline Studio The Lazsa platform earlier used Databricks with Python Jupyter Lab which requires deployment on an EC2 instance. It now supports Databricks notebook, which does not require any deployment.
Additional out-of-the-box roles for Product Release Orchestration in Lazsa Platform With this release, the Lazsa Platform provides additional out-of-the-box roles to manage Product Release Orchestration. These roles define access over Product Portfolio, Products, Release Trains, Dashboards, Users and Teams. See Roles in Lazsa Platform.


Release Notes - 15 June 2022 Update